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The One Inside: An Internal Family Systems (IFS) podcast

Dec 29, 2023

On today's episode, Joan Ryan and I talk about New Years resolutions that may be generated by the Parts of us found in our Enneagram Type. We know that Parts inside Type are our Major Players in our system. The Enneagram gives us a short cut to bring awareness to these parts, to help us unblend, and to bring more Self...

Dec 22, 2023

On today's podcast I talk with fellow author- and now fellow podcaster! Emma Redfern.

Emma Redfern, BACP Snr-Accredited psychotherapist and supervisor is a certified Internal
Family Systems therapist and approved IFS consultant working online from Devon in the
Southwest of England. Emma has edited two multi-author...

Dec 15, 2023

On today's episode I chat with Beth Mullen-Houser. Beth is a clinical psychologist with a passion for working with providers new to IFS.  Her IFS journey includes being an IFS-informed therapist for 4 years, an IFS researcher, speaker and consultant and currently PAing a L1 training.  She has presented at the IFS 2023...

Dec 8, 2023

On today's podcast I chat again with Ty Cutner. Ty did a demo with Dick that has become incredibly popular and he co-authored a chapter in the new "Freeing Self" book. Ty reached out and said he had some major updates, and we wanted to share them all with you!

Ty Cutner is a IFS Level 2 trained men’s...

Dec 1, 2023

On today's episode, I chat with Meg Martinez and Candice Christiansen who wrote a chapter in Altogether Us entitled, "Embodying IFS with Neurodivergent Clients: A Neuro-inclusive approach for therapists."

Candice Christiansen is an adult-diagnosed Autistic female and licensed clinician with 20 years experience...