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The One Inside: An Internal Family Systems (IFS) podcast

Dec 18, 2020

On today's episode I chat with Jay Earley, a popular IFS teacher who authored the book, "Self Therapy" and who leads ongoing IFS courses and groups.

Our chat can be broken up into 3 sections-

1. His story, and similarities and differences between what he teaches and what Dick teaches. He shares his take on unblending...

Dec 11, 2020

On today's episode, I chat with Dorothea Hrossowyc and Ingrid Helander.  Ingrid and Dorothea along with Tyler Haaren, Joya Lonsdale, Julia Sullivan, and Paula Shulman led a workshop on "Healing Racism From the Inside Out, Unburdening our Parts around Race and Racism", at the 2016 IFS Annual Conference,  and were a part...

Dec 4, 2020

On today's episode, I chat with Joan Ryan, an internationally recognized Enneagram expert and Leadership coach. Fortunately for our community, Joan is also Level One Trained in IFS. 

I have been looking for someone to talk to me about IFS and the Enneagram and was beyond thrilled when I found Joan. 

Joan is a type 9 and...