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The One Inside: An Internal Family Systems (IFS) podcast

Mar 14, 2020

Derek Scott and I decided to meet to talk about how we can support our community during difficult time.

IFS brings many gifts to our bodies, minds, emotions, and to the world. Self leadership supports our parts feelings of helplessness and uncertainty, and then we can support the people we come in contact with in our families, our neighbors, our co-workers and clients.

By the way, an hour after we finished recording this my son's school sent a lovely, heartfelt emailing cancelling classes. I started shaking and crying which was actually a completely unexpected response. I took a minute to be with my frightened parts as we talk about in this episode and felt an immediate shift to calm.

I imagine I will return to being with this part over and over again in the next few weeks.

Go listen- Take good care of all of your parts and one another.

