Oct 30, 2020
On today's episode I chat with IFS Practitioner Milena Worsham as she shares her incredible story of growing up biracial in Texas.
Milena is a master story teller and I was drawn in from the beginning. I had this sensation of leaning in close as she spoke.
She states, "I grew up believing I was white.... This is a protection for the family... White is a protection. It is safe."
The first half of the episode is her and her family's story. The second half is about her connection to feminism and the performing arts. We talk about the womb and the legacy burdens we take on in the womb. We talk about family loyalty and family secrets. We talk about what we are 'allowed' to be as women.
I am not going to be able to tell you or share with you here the power of her story and her voice!
I decided to sum it all up with the "Belonging."
Just listen! I think you will walk about feeling moved and empowered.
Check out Milena's website to learn more about her. You can email her at milenaworsham@gmail.com.
Come say Hi to me at The One Inside Facebook page or @ifstammy on Instagram or Twitter. I would love to hear from you.