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The One Inside: An Internal Family Systems (IFS) podcast

Apr 24, 2020

In today's episode, I talk with Chris Burris, a lead trainer with the IFS Institute. Chris and I talk specifically about the current 'stressor' of Covid-19 and our fears around it. Chris states we can recognize our normal cast of (Internal) characters, system's constellation, patterns of parts during this pandemic.

And, this feels a bit comforting to me to know that what I am feeling and doing is quite typical during times of stress. Even though this current stress is anything but typical or normal or familiar, my systems response is.

Chris suggests we have the greatest impact on our entire system if we can identify our core fear by inquiring inside, "What are you afraid would happen if you weren't active in this way?" We can turn our part detector on and get curious when we get triggered, upset, or lit up.

Our parts work hard to keep us safe and our lives are often designed to not feel feelings. During this pandemic we are not able to engage in some of our protector activities that keep us away from our fears. Therefore, we may be feeling more vulnerable and more anxious overall.

Do you find yourself watching the news over and over? Chris wonders about parts who have confused commiserating with compassion and contributing.

Finally, we talk about loving on (befriending) our parts who hold core fears so they no longer feel alone and overwhelmed.

And we talk about Will Smith.

Enjoy and take care,
