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The One Inside: An Internal Family Systems (IFS) podcast

Dec 7, 2019

Dr. Dan Pollets is successful man, just check out his website. He also was diagnosed with colorectal cancer 6 months ago and has been receiving chemotherapy and radiation. On todays episode, you will hear his powerful story. You will hear details that will make some of your parts uncomfortable. You will be a witness to his pain- physical, emotional, and social. You will learn about his 6 yo younger part who was abandoned, who is protected by driven, caretaking and workaholic parts. You will hear about his special relationship to Richard Schwartz. You will hear about the 'gifts of cancer' and the choices he makes to strengthen his 'post traumatic growth.' You will hear about his struggle around how to tell his patients and the incredible impact his Self had on his psychotherapy group.

You will laugh because he is hilarious and he saves his best potty joke for the end.

Dr. Dan is bravely "translating victimhood into an opportunity to share with others," as he writes in one of his essays you can receive if you email him. He is also working on an article for the Outlook, a magazine which spreads great info about IFS. (You can listen to a past podcast episode of THI with Michelle Glass, who is the editor.)

Check out Outlook: Past issues of Outlook

Dr. Dan's article, "When the Therapist Gets Cancer."

Dr. Dan's website

Email Dr. Dan at
