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The One Inside: An Internal Family Systems (IFS) podcast

Mar 25, 2022

On today's podcast I chat with Suzan McVicker and Julia Sullivan. They are part of the Indigenous Elder IFS Council who spoke at the 2021 IFS Annual Conference.
Here is their entire workshop on Youtube! (Thank you Sara Oberg!):
The Spirit of the Circle: Indigenous Worldview IFS Resonance - YouTube
Suzan McVicker became an IFS trainer in 1999 when two year basic IFS trainings--as they were called them back then--were first offered.  After joining several IFS training teams and teaching IFS in higher education, local seminars, community classes, and case consultation groups, she turned her attention to collaborating with Native American communities for mutual sharing of what IFS has to offer to Indigenous Peoples and what Indigenous traditions have to offer to the IFS community.
Julia Sullivan is a Level 2 trained IFS practitioner (and PA "groupie" for Mary Kruger) who integrates Self leadership and Parts healing into everything she does. Drawing upon her spiritual practice in an indigenous community, 25-years in recovery, and an MBA from Stanford, Julia Co-founded the Indigenous Elder IFS Council to bring peer-based IFS healing that is easily accessible to anyone. Julia also leads the IFS in Business group that meets monthly over Zoom to share best practices in bringing IFS to business. Julia and her Level 1 trained husband Chris take daily walks around a beautiful lake where they deepen their love by speaking for their Parts and Self while basking in the beauty around, between, and within them. 
7 Bs of Indigenous-Inspired IFS:
  • Blessing
  • Right to Be, Belong, Become
  • HumBle
  • Belly Laugh
  • EmBodied Learning
  • Balance
  • Ceremony as UnBurdening
Dick's writing about Indigenous cultures and IFS:

…it is becoming increasingly clear that the idea of the mind as unitary is a relatively recent invention of “civilized” society.  Indigenous cultures throughout the world were familiar and comfortable not only with a spirit world, but also with an inner realm inhabited by many different voices and characters.  It may be that the idea of the normal mind as multiple is less a radical departure from established knowledge than it is returning to an age-old wisdom from which “established knowledge” radically departed.  (Schwartz, 2001, p. 85) 

Schwartz, R. C. (2001). Introduction to the Internal Family Systems Model. Trailheads Publications.

Here are links to ALL the things we talk about:
Little Wound School
7 B's of Indigenous IFS
8 C Wheel and Key Points
8 C Before After Self Assessment
Been Here Meta8c Meeting Flier
Meta8c Meeting Framework
For more information about Meta8c meetings, email
To stay informed about the work of the Indigenous Elder IFS Council, email
For more information about Julia’s work integrating IFS in executive coaching, corporate team building and large organizations, or to join the IFS in Business group that meets monthly, email
To connect with me, you can follow me @ ifstammy on Instagram and Twitter or at The One Inside Facebook Page. Get a free 'Get to Know a Should part' and sign up for my 'sometimes' monthly newsletter at 
You can buy my book, "The One Inside: 30 Days to Your Authentic Self" on amazon or wherever you get books! The One Inside: 30 Days to Your Authentic Self: Sollenberger Tammy M a: 9780967688756: Books