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The One Inside: An Internal Family Systems (IFS) podcast

Jan 20, 2020

Simon is the head honcho for IFS in Australia.

We met in 2018 when we both presented at the IFS annual conference. He is funny and kind and super supportive. When we first talked about doing a podcast I assumed it would be about his journey with IFS and his passion to bring it to Australia. I was also curious about how he integrates all the other models he loves with IFS.

But. You won't find that in this episode. (Well, you will a tiny bit.)

The fires destroying Australia are in the news and on our hearts and minds. Simon and I couldn't NOT talk about this. I think you will hear the pain and heartbreak in his tone. This episode's content is political, overwhelming, and upsetting.

And. There is hope.

Simon states, "Right next to the HURT, you have LOVE." 

IFS gives us the Gift of Self which is more powerful then the parts in others who trigger fears and distress our world.

IFS reminds us our parts need an adult in the room and we have one inside- our Self.

IFS helps us make SENSE of our selves, others, and our world.

The two additional 'C' words of Self that Simon mentions to make a perfect 10 are Chairos (Kairos?) and Chiaroscuro. Google them.

Check out Simon and all the happenings with IFS Australia here:
