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The One Inside: An Internal Family Systems (IFS) podcast

Oct 26, 2019

On today's episode, author, speaker, and long time assistant trainer with the IFS Institute, Mona Barbera and I chat about how to win a fight. We get very real and very personal as we share our favorite ways to win fights in our marriages.

Mona tells us ONE thing that is needed to win a fight and THREE practical, useful...

Oct 12, 2019

On this week's episode, David and I talk about this incredible externalization tool which helps call up Self and bring compassion to your whole system.

This 'wheel' looks like a solar system with a 'sun' representing Self and colored 'planets' representing Parts.

His motto 'Bond with Satisfaction at Every Moment' is...

Oct 6, 2019

Hey from the IFS annual conference in Denver! On this short episode, I talk through my new IFS elevator speech. Enjoy.